It's not a publicity stunt by Mayor Ken, and I certainly feel sorry fo the rest of the world, but
apparently London has the best public transport system on earth. Even though it was considered the most expensive, (no surprises there then) worldwide vistors to a TripAdvisor poll voted London as having the safest public transport, the best subway system and the best taxis.
New York was runner-up to London as the best for public transport and was also second most-expensive.
Michelle Perry, TripAdvisor's communications director, said "
For the second straight year, London and New York were tops for public transport among travellers. As they also rate as the most expensive among travellers, it's proof that even when it comes to riding a bus or a subway, you get what you pay for." Mmmm an overcrowded, delayed, badly in need of repair, hot, strike happy service as far as the Tube is concerned.
Just over 800 people completed the poll, which is hardly representative of the "world's" travellers. However, they seemed to have a bit more sense when it came to voting on cleanliness when London came fourth. Washington won this category.
Never one to seize an opportunity to boast about London's Transport, Ken Livingstone said to
the Independent "
What we are seeing are the fruits of real and sustained increased investment in London's public transport, a break from the previous policy of deregulation and choking off resources.
London has achieved a unique shift in journeys from cars to public transport, a 40 per cent increase in bus ridership, cleaner engines for buses and taxis, traffic down in the city's centre, and 83 per cent increase in cycling, and the biggest transport investment programme since the Second World War."
If you want to see more from the 800 poor deluded folk check out
Female First. Also if you have any views on which public transport system you think is the best in the world, please leave your thoughts in the
comments below.