Friday, April 29, 2011

Free Rail Travel for any Will & Kate

Sadly no free London Underground travel today, but make the most of sharing the same name as William or Kate (or a number of different versions of them) on Chiltern Railways and Mersey Rail. Both networks are offering free travel on Royal Wedding Day, if you can show photographic ID with your name.

Photo of Will & Kate Lookalikes from Chiltern Railway - Anthony Upton, Adam James
Will & Kate Lookalikes at Marylebone

If you're travelling into London on the Tube today, just expect it to be pretty crowded, particularly in the obvious places like TfL's poster says.

Royal Wedding Travel Advice

It's a Saturday service, but all stations including Westminster are open, although some of them may be temporarily closed if overcrowded. More details on TfL's site.

Peter Hendy, London's Transport Commissioner said "All Tube lines will be running and our bus and streets teams will be working flat-out to make sure that the closures and diversions needed are managed smoothly. The whole of TfL is focussed on helping to ensure that a great day is had by all."

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Royal Wedding Oyster Cards

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