Friday, December 14, 2007

Madness Tube Map

Clare who's a Madness fan told me that the "nutty boys" had used a graphic for their current Transport From London tour. I'd been sent a version of it before and initially thought "yeah it's alright, seen better though". However my virtual ears pricked up when she wrote the following: "after their Belfast concert this weekend I got a goody bag which had a fly-poster with a mischievously altered map inside, it looks great and harks back to their use of the roundel back in the day."

Mmm, a mischievous map from the Nutty Boys? Clare kindly got the poster photographed and sent to me and it rocks!

Photo of Madness Tube Map - click to see full size

It's not been totally altered which works well, as you look out for slightly altered stations like "Wemberley", "Yellow City" & "Green City" where White City should be, "Busker" and "Sax Solo" around Baker Street, "German Mansion" near Swiss Cottage, "Gettingonour Wick" next to Hackney Wick, "Abba" replacing Waterloo and I sure you'll spot loads of others.

Madness Tube Map Detail

They've obviously had permission from Transport for London to do this, and they've done a great job. Wonder if Madness would sell them after their tour - or if we'll see a few on ebay?

Thanks again to Clare for the heads up and sending the picture.

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