Friday, July 11, 2008

From slow Tubes to no Tubes

The only advantage of having your house back onto a London Underground Line means that you can tell whether your line is working well or not. The District Line between Richmond and Turnham Green was running really slowly for most of the morning and I just heard on the radio that it wasn't running at all now.

View from study with Tube

This is the view from my study window where I'm currently typing this post. So I can usually tell whether the radio reports or the TfL updates are right or wrong.

The line not running is great news for Bolli as he sometimes sits on the wall at the back of my garden. The shot below is also from this morning.

View from study with Bolli

He's not quite as brave as he looks from this photo, now that you've seen how close the Tube runs. As the minute he hears the Tube he leaps from the wall and runs indoors. He's just about OK now sitting in the garden when the trains go by but if they go by on the near-side to my wall he'll still leg it indoors.

Bolli listening to trains

This is his "train look" where his ears go slightly back and he crouches getting ready to make a quick getaway. More Bolli pictures in this morning's garden set here.

Bolli in the garden 2 Bolli watching me garden

Ah there's a rumble, I've just looked up and the line's running again. It's slow but at least it's working. Bad news for Bolli, good news for me as I'm just off out.

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