Wednesday, March 11, 2009

King's Cross Tube Renovation Pictures

Finally it looks like King's Cross London Underground station is getting somewhere with the refurbishment works. I used to travel through the station every day and all the badly needed improvement at platform level on the Piccadilly Line, seemed to take forever.

DIY roundel  by Martin Deutsch

Like me, Martin Deutsch noticed that the platform walls have now been stripped of tiles and posters in readiness for newer tiles & posters. He's taken a picture of the marker on concrete at Kings Cross St Pancras, and said of the DIY roundels which are spaced roughly along the walls, "Probably a hint to the contractors about what they've to put there after retiling."

Belfegore spent some time photographing the walls there as he felt the stripped posters made their own underground art gallery. I agree and it's a great set of photos, with some of my favourites below:

The Mona Lisa of Kings Cross by Belfegore

He called this "The Mona Lisa of Kings Cross.

Her mysterious smile enchants and her eyes follow you along the platform.

Are you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?

Lion's Head by Belfegore

"The walls are all a nice grey-ish brown and have the abrasive texture of fresh plaster.

A delicious, warm and earthy experience.

...and is that Grace Jones reaching through the wall wearing a lion's head for a hat?

DSCF1902 by Belfegore DSCF1854 by Belfegore

"The ghosts of poster advertising past are dripping from the walls in a gooey mess".

Thanks Belfegore for looking at King's Cross in this way. Wonder how long this "gallery" of advertising past will be up before it's all removed & plastered over?

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