Friday, October 31, 2008

London Underground Fashion Victims

Hurrah it's Friday and time for the Tube Fashion Victims or the TFV's, travellers on the London Underground who have "taken a style and made it their own" (to quote Louis Walsh out of X Factor) or have decided to go all out for "fashion for fashion's sake" and have the fashion police come rushing to their door.

However, this week I want to start with two poster campaigns for fashion brands which use the London Underground as part of the backdrop. Mainly because most advertisers think the Tube equals London, trendiness, edginess & uber coolness.

Top Shop on the Tube

Last time I featured a picture of Kate Moss peeking out from beneath old ads on the Tube and the shop she designs for - Top Shop have grabbed some models & got them to look all sulky in Tube carriages for their poster campaign.

Top Shop Tube Poster

You might want to have a guess at where the poster above was shot, as that moquette or Tube upholstery looks quite old.

Another poster which doesn't work as well for me, is the one for E & O - Skiwear on the Edge

Ski wear with Caledonian Road Tube

Apparently it's edgy to stand in the middle of the lines at Caledonian Road Tube station, wearing your ski gear.

Now onto the TFV's - although I'm starting with a RFV or a Railway Fashion Victim.

Pirate Look at Richmond

I know it's the time of year where people do a lot of dressing up, but I spotted this guy at about 8.30am, which is a little early for fancy dress.

Pirate at Richmond Station

You don't often see pirates on your morning commute. Or maybe he was a highwayman. Either way I was lucky not to stand behind him on the train as that feather would have tickled my nose.

BTW speaking of dressing up for parties - Alfie spotted some pictures from a recent Tube Fancy Dress party on Moblog - with High Barnet & Green Park very well represented. If you're looking ideas for London Underground Fancy Dress party for Xmas there's a fair few in the comments on an old post of mine.

Super Gold Trainers

Spurred on by my spot of some dazzling gold shoes last time, Pete from the Londoneer spotted some more gold footwear.

Super Gold trainers by Pete frm the Londoneer

He said "My eyes nearly popped out when I saw them". But like me, he thought that the pink shoelaces with them, really err ... set them off! The woman sitting next to gold shoe woman with the Gucci bag, also has an interesting take with their zipped jeans. I'm sure it's just me, but wouldn't you just buy a shorter pair of jeans if you were going to have them with zips at the bottom? Or perhaps the point is to have that messy "I'm too cool to care" scruffy turned up look.

Low Slung Jeans

Finally a couple of little Emo style teenagers with their low slung jeans

Covering up pants

I seriously thought the guy with the blue T-shirt was going to expose all of his paisley pink underpants, but even he had the sense to try to pull down his T-shirt a bit as he approached the stairs & escalators.

Until next time, the previous fashion victim post is here and the complete picture gallery of all the TFV's can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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