Thursday, October 16, 2008

London Underground Fashion Victims

It's Friday and time for the Tube Fashion Victims or the TFV's, commuters on the London Underground who have a unique look or have decided to go for "fashion for fashion's sake" regardless of how it looks or how practical it is for a Tube journey.

Kate Moss on the Tube

This week I wanted to start with the poster of Kate Moss above. I think it's from an old Calvin Klein campaign. It's amazing how her face is revealed from the layers of posters on top. It almost looks deliberate and I couldn't stop staring at it last night.

Miss White Boots

I mentioned practicality and I know that that fashion isn't always function, but I always marvel at how people managed to walk in such pointed stiletto heels.

Miss White Boots

I run for Tubes quite a lot and go up and down escalators quite quickly, so simply couldn't imagine myself tottering around in those without breaking my neck.

Rocking Boots, Torn Jean

Love the colour of the boots below, but I'd be a bit cautious about those heels too.

Tattered Jeans and Rocking Boots

It's a shame that she went for the overdone torn jeans look with those boots. It was just a little too "hobo meets boho" for me.

Metallic's Back

Oh Noes, run for the hills. Just when you thought metallic bags had gone forever they seem to be making a comeback.

Metallic's Back

My eyes didn't know where to focus as the clashing metallics of the bag AND the shoes, were both fighting for attention to be the most hideous things on the carriage.

Yeti Girl

The woman below seems to have got to Old Street Tube via a trek from the Himalayas.

Yeti Girl

The boots almost look as though they have a life of their own, however can't quite compete with the Chewbacca boots I saw in July

Chewbacca boots

Until next time, the previous fashion victim post is here and the complete picture gallery of all the TFV's can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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