Monday, June 27, 2011

Glastonbury Underground Station?

Great spot of the London Underground roundel at Glastonbury by railway & transport map expert, Mark Ovenden. So good it deserves a roundels not on the Tube post of its own.

Glastonbury Underground Station by Mark Ovenden

Mark said of the Udder-ground roundel: "Point of interest: Glastonbury had a railway station up until Beeching Cuts when the line connecting it to Shepton Mallet was closed. Local shoe industry (Clarks?) used it to freight goods to Bristol docks for export.

The old track bed runs right through the middle of the Glasto site & was used 24 hrs a day by festival goers to schlep between different areas if the site (ironically probably 'carrying' more people per day than the time when it closed as a railway!)

The Moo station bin was situated within site if the old line - possibly without the painter of this amusing pastiche graffiti even knowing of the rail connection just metres away!

Related Posts
Roundels Not on the London Underground
Railway Maps of the World - Guest Post by Mark Ovenden

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