Thursday, June 23, 2011

Piccadilly Line Song by Carry On Star Jim Dale

Just when I think nothing else can surprise me about the Tube, someone comes up with a wonderful gem. Gravyphig a member of the London Tube group on Flickr, resurrected an old discussion about "Best Song of the Underground?"

He found that Jim Dale (yes him out of the Carry On films) had recorded a rock and roll song in the 1950's as an ode to the Piccadilly Line. It rocks! From the rumbling of the Tube pulling in. To the lyrics. A man is asked to show his tickets going through the gate & sings: "I got a season, I got a season, oh yes,  a season". He's let through and our hero gets on the escalator, turns round and shouts back: "I fooled you, I fooled you, I got a four'penny, I've got a four'penny, oh yes, I got a four'penny".

I particularly love other gems like: "I may be right, I may be wrong but a trip on the bus takes far too long." and "If I could travel that line for free I'd be on that train for eternity".

Now the oldies amongst you (sadly that includes me) might think that this song sounds familiar.

I racked my brains and realised it's almost a carbon copy of skiffle star Lonnie Donegan's more famous "Rock Island Line" about the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad.

But well done Jim for putting the London Underground and the Piccadilly Line on the rock and roll map.

If you have a favourite London Underground song - let us know in the comments.

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