Friday, September 12, 2008

London Underground Fashion Victims via New York

I'm in New York!!!!! Strangely in the week before I left London I spotted a number of Tube Fashion Victims who looked like they'd be borrowing a Big Apple look.

Baseball Caps

It's been unseasonably cold in London so some people have been wrapped up like it's October right now. Yet others are braving it out. The woman below is in duffle coat, boots and New York Yankees baseball cap, yet the guy next to her is only in an American football style T-shirt

NYC Baseball cap

I won't be buying a NY baseball cap even though I'm in New York as I'll look like a card carrying tourist and I don't get on with baseball caps. I don't have the right hair for it or pony tail to stick through the hole.

Once again we see the "air traffic controller" style headphones over a hat look.

Headphones over Baseball Cap

I preferred the headphones over the silver beany from last week. This guy looks like he's really trying a bit to hard to say "I'm a DJ".

The Fame Look

Legwarmers. Wow are they making a comeback? I did expect her to leap off the District line and start singing "Fame! I'm gonna live forever".

Fame look on the Tube

She must have a good washing machine to wear white legwarmers over the bottom of her shoes.

That's it for now, not sure if I'll be able to grab any New York Metro Fashion Victims as I'll probably get lamped, but we'll see. Hopefully later today will be my first trip on the subway here, so I'll report back.

In the meantime, the previous fashion victim post is here and the complete picture gallery of all the TFV's can be seen on the following Flickr set.

Welcome pack of snacks from my hotel

While, I'm here I must say many thanks to Janine from my hotel (Marriott in New Rochelle) for leaving me a little gift of snacks - much appreciated!

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