Thursday, September 4, 2008

London Underground Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims on the Tube

Ah Friday and it's time for a look at the TFV's or Tube Fashion Victims who are clearly showing signs that autumn has come way, way too quickly in London. The X Factor back on TV and we'll soon hearing judge Louis Walsh talking about people "taking a style and making it their own" and that's what the Fashion Victims are all about. So this week is a mixture of people who are uber trend setting and looking allright with it and those who clearly should have had more of a look in the mirror before leaving home.

First up we have some of the OK autumnal looks

Trendy Air Traffic Controller

I quite like this silver beany and large air traffic control style headphones on over the top

Silver Beany & Headphones

The hoody could work well either in the spring or autumn, and it's just a shame the weather had been so foul that people are even thinking about hoodies in the first place.

The End is Nigh Bag

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a full shot of this bag. But I liked the sort of doom and gloom that it hinted at.

The End is Nigh Bag

Perfect for a miserable day on the Tube.

Now onto the not so good ones.

Dressing like a station sign

Try not to stand near a Tube station sign if you're going to wear the same primary colours. The following picture was taken by Keira Vallejo. She said "I spotted this guy at Finchley Road. He was dressed exactly the same as the sign at the end of the platform. Thought it was too funny, so I took a photo :-)".

Dude at Finchley Road tube, dressed the same as the sign by Keira Vallejo Photography

I like it and also like the title she's given it "Dude at Finchley Road tube, dressed the same as the sign"

Socky Leggy things

These were puzzling. A sort of duo sock and legging combo.

Autumn Socks & Leggings

The whopping great hole in the socks only added to my puzzlement.

Male Uggs & Shorts combo

Finally, it wouldn't be a Tube Fashion Victim post without at looks at some Uggs

Male Uggs and shorts

I think Uggs on blokes aren't the best look in the world but when you combine them with some plaid baggy summer shorts, you're asking for trouble.

That's it for now. The previous fashion victim post is here and the complete picture gallery of all the TFV's can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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