Friday, September 19, 2008

'Fantasy Piccadilly Line' talk - free tickets up for grabs

The London Transport Museum are holding a talk by artist Nils Norman on the 23rd September at 6.30pm. He will be discussing his public commissions and poster artworks, including 'Ideal City' and 'Fantasy Piccadilly Line' for Piccadilly Underground station and Piccadilly Line trains. "Norman's work considers alternative urban politics through a mix of art, activism and dark humour."

Fantasy Pic Line by Lap Fung Chan

More recently Nils devised a media campaign to encourage people to explore Liverpool's parks and has put together a series of posters for bus shelters in Portsmouth. He's currently working on a school playground project for the new Golden Lane Campus in East London.

The Museum have offered me a few tickets for any blogger who fancies going along. Please send me an email or leave a comment below with your blog if you are interested. Full details are here.

PS don't forget to vote for your favourite pictures for the Innocent Village Fete, me, Anna & Richard are in with a chance of winning a year's supply of smoothies!

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