Thursday, April 6, 2006

Friday Competition - Caption Time

Win a London Underground brolly

It's great to see contributors to the blog being so generous with prizes for the competiton. Firstly, we had Graham O'Mara with a number of books, then Fimb with last week's London Underground Anagram Map Mug quiz, (still time to enter that until Sunday 9th April) and now we have another regular contributor, Jon, who's giving away a London Underground Map Umbrella for those April showers and a set of Feng Shui candles for err, well, don't ask.

Ant and Dec's alien film, Alien Autopsy, opens this weekend (to some fairly awful reviews - ah, poor Dec and Ant), so it's kind of fitting there's an alien theme to the competition. The screen grabs below are for a TV ad for Airwaves chewing gum, featuring an alien on the Tube.

Caption for this cartoon

Jon says: "All you have to do is suggest captions and/or speech bubbles for the 'toon above. Submit your ideas in the comments below by Friday 14th April (leave your email address and/or website and blog too). All entries will be worked up and submitted to the people on Jon's list. The winner will be the one who gains the most votes from the people on the list and will be announced as soon as the votes are all in, probably a week later on April 21st."

Easy enough. Good luck and have fun!

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