Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Mind the Gap or Sign Malfunction Photos

A photo interlude

Some photos for you. Firstly this was found while I was playing Mornington Crescent on Flickr (much more fun than the normal game, but you need a good set of pictures)

By Darius and Downey Jones

This fab picture is by Darius and Downey Jones and Akira Kev bought the print at Santa's Ghetto (top name!) I seem to remember others like this and London Underground staff spent forever getting the giant spoof roundels and signs off the seats!

Now, two non Tube but railway related pictures. Here's one sent to me from regular contributor & London Underground Fashion Victim commenter Mags. This would be a good one for fans of Private Eye's Pseud's Corner

Where on earth is Pseudo?

Mags said "The whole thing read 'last 2 coaches calling at: PSEUDO'." If anyone knows where Pseudo is we'd love to hear.

The next is a great one sent to me by an old work colleague Lou and we're not sure if it's a warning or a saucy invitation!

Keep back from the Platform Edge

If anyone else sees any railway or Tube sign malfunctions please don't hesitate to send them my way!

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