Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hong Kong & Singapore Underground Videos

Greetings from the Far East

Rob from Londonist got back from his honeymoon in Singapore and Hong Kong last week and kindly sent me some videos of the underground system there. The one from Hong Kong is great. Look out for some nice details including a commuter wearing one of those white masks to either stop them giving their lurgies to other people or vice versa, or just to generally protect them from pollution.

Rob also made the following observations:
"1) Dozens of delicate paper butterflies hanging from the ceiling - how long would these last on the London Tube?

2) You should just be able to make out the threat of a 6000 dollar fine and 6 months imprisonment for something on the electronic sign on the platform.

3) The lack of any 'let passengers off the train first' etiquette. HK is incredibly polite and ordered but they don't have the 'let them off first' rule and neither do they have the 'stand to the right of the escalator' rule. Are they mad?

4) The cool video ads playing on the platform.

5) The very helpful 'fairy light' tube maps which tell you right away which direction you're going and what stop's next. Also (difficult to make out on the video) is a light telling you which side of the carriage the doors are going to open on at the next station.

He also wants to know if anyone can tell us what the bouncy LCD sign at the end says?

The video from Singapore's underground system is here (interesting how they have TV monitors showing films/advertsing in the carriages) and Rob also found a cute little poster from a series of "Graciousness is...." ads on Singapore's network.

Graciousness is... poster on Singapore Underground

They reminded me of the old London Underground "Love Is....." series of posters. I wonder if they got the idea from London?

Love is... poster on London Underground

Cheers Rob, the picture & videos rock!

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