Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Where is Hickory Road Tube Station? Quiz

Win some Art Deco Luggage Label Stickers and a mini photo frame

Friday's quiz on Thursday (I'm moving house, up to my eyeballs in boxes & will only have sporadic internet access over the next day or so). A few weeks ago, me and Neil were watching an old episode of Agatha Christie's Poirot called "Hickory Dickory Dock" & much of it was based around a Tube station called "Hickory Road".

We were wracking our brains trying to work out where the London Underground station really was. Searching the net was no help. In fact, I found another person who was also trying to work out where it was filmed. Fortunately, a regular contributor to the blog was also watching Poirot and we had the same discussion, but he managed to take a number of screen shots including the ones below:

Hickory Road Tube Station

The chase at Hickory Road

The chase at Hickory Road

They spotted him

Police chase

Can he make a Tube getaway?

Will he escape from Hickory Road?

However, we still couldn't actually work out where it was filmed. It's obviously a station that was around in the 1920's or 1930's when the story was based. The outside shots looked like they could have been a set, but the ones inside definitely looked like a real Tube station.

I asked another contributor who was likely to know and he came up with an excellent suggestion. Neil checked it out on Monday and took a shot of the lines from the station in question.

So can you also work out where it is? This time, one guess only please and as usual to enter, leave either your email address and/or website or blog in the comments below.

You have until 23.59 on Sunday 30th April to enter. In the event of more than one person guessing the correct answer, Neil's paperclip selection will come into play.

The prize is a book of 53 "Old Fashioned Luggage Labels" stickers.

They remind me of the fab art deco opening titles to Poirot, which always want to make me travel on the Orient Express.

What's Damian Lewis saying?

There's also a bonus prize if you can come up with a caption for what Damian Lewis (pictured above) from the same episode of Poirot, is saying to his lady friend on the Tube to make her laugh.

The funniest caption will win this rather unsual photo frame / fridge magnet in the style of the ticket booths that were around at the time.

Same deadline of the 30th April, but the more the merrier with caption guesses.

Have fun!

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