Saturday, April 22, 2006

London Underground Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims on the Tube

Here's The Friday Fashion Victims on Saturday (moving house meant eveything's skew whiff). So it's the weekly look at commuters who are slaves to fashion or people who are taking a "trendy" style and "making it their own" regardless of whether it suits them or not. Finally I have a man to redress the imbalance of women over the past weeks.

Low Slung Hoodie

There's a going on around this guy's behind. He's going for the low slung baggy arse look with added layers T Shirt, jumper and pretty err.... inventive looking hoody / hoodie:

Low Slung Hoodie

Fishnets & Trainers

I'm not getting into the fishnets or no fishnets debate this week. But I would love to have known whether this woman did have a pair of smart shoes in her bag, and was just doing the "I've just come back from the gym" look or the "My office shoes are so painful that I can't walk properly in them, and have to wear trainers to get around town in quickly" look

Trainers & Fishnets

I know women who do this, and if I were them, I think I'd just buy a pair of smart work shoes that I could easily hop around the Tube on. But I spose having a pair of heels in your bag might come in handy if you ever need to swing your bag someone.

Enormous Turn Ups

Is it just me or are some people trying to get their jean turnups to take up half their legs?

Very Large Turn Ups

Coloured Boots

Finally a look at two women who decided that brightly coloured boots are nice. I've fairly boring and conventional with my boots and they either are brown or black and that's it. But there's nothing (too) wrong with a bit of brightness. The lady below resplendent in purple boots and a matching funky purple "leopard skin" bag pulls it off quite impressively:

How to wear coloured boots

Whereas this lady on South West Trains doesn't:

How not to wear coloured boots

Pink Uggs with an anorak. Or rather Pink Uggs with anything. The mind boggles!

That's it for this week. The previous entry for London Underground fashion victims is here and all of them together can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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