Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sesame Street Subway Song

The Muppets on Public Transport

Many thanks to Rob from Londonist for sending me a link to the fab subway song by the Muppets. Think of it as a Muppet version of the Going Underground Spoof Song, but with a dance routine at the end.

I love the "Broadway" musical feel it has to it, plus some of the lines are brill.

"Cos there isn't any room in this town, we put all the trains down under the ground" "Packed inside the train it's too crowded to complain on the Subway! Subway!" "Ahhhhhhh my stop just went by. Ahhhhhh your umbrella's in my eye. Ahhhhhh It's so hot I could die". "You can lose your purse or you might lose something worse on the subway! Subway!" "Come and step inside, you'll get taken for a ride on the subway! Subway!"

Enjoy. You might be humming the tune for the rest of the day though! Finally, happy Bank Holiday weekend if you're in Europe.

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