Monday, May 15, 2006

BBC Mistaken Identity

Could you be an industry expert?

I'm often considered to be an "expert" on the Tube. I've done a number of interviews as a result of this and last week I was interviewed by the BBC for a radio feature that's due out later this summer. I can assure you that when you hear it, it was actually me. This is a very convoluted introduction to the following story, that's had me giggling for the last ten minutes.

Last week, BBC News 24 mistook a taxi driver (alledgedly) for a music download industry expert Guy Kewney who was supposed to be talking about Apple's recent victory at the High Court. During the live interview you can see the "rabbit in headlights" look on the guy's face when he realises they have the wrong "Guy" (he was also called Guy, but Guy Goma). However, when we thought he was a taxi driver, who do have an opinion about everything, he carried on regardless:

The mistaken identity is made even more farcial when we learn that Guy Kewney is a slim fair haired white guy whereas the other "Guy" is a stocky black guy with a French accent.

Guy Kewney, was waiting in the BBC's reception when he saw the other guy being introduced under his name. "You don't get to see my 'white, bearded, professorial' face, but you can watch the classic moment, where Goma realises that he is on air, and being mistaken for someone else. It's beyond classic: it's priceless. Watch his incredible recovery."

Fortunately, thanks to YouTube and that particular skill the internet has in digging up things which people would rather remain hidden, this video which the BBC would have preferred to have been buried in the graveyard of BBC Blunders forever is now being enjoyed by loads of people!

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