Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tube Pastimes

No book, no ads, no day dreaming..... get out those needles

If you haven't got a book or a paper to read, and you're bored of the ads and you can't be bothered to people watch, there's another great way to pass the time on the Tube. Knitting.

Tube Knitter

Knitting seems to be the new rock and roll right now. I'm amazed at the amount of knitting blogs there are (many link to this blog - cheers guys and gals - quick hi to MH - Witty Knitter, Wendy & Queer Joe three of my favourites), plus there's loads of knitting groups which aren't just the realm of little old ladies who smell of lavender and cough sweets. There are "Stitching and bitching" groups forming around the world faster than you can say knit one, pearl one.

I took the picture of the knitter above yesterday. It was the Metrosexual man that I spotted at the end of March. Before we had been wondering if his brightly coloured cardi was a present from granny, but I imagine he actually knitted it himself. And I imagine that his big "man bag" was a home for his knitting paraphernalia.


There's even a group of knitters called Cast Off which I blogged about some time ago, who have regular "knitmeets" on the Circle Line

Circle Line Knitters

I spose knitting on the Tube makes a lot of sense. It's like a more practical version of doing a crossword puzzle. A great way of keeping occupied for a few stops, but at the end of the day you get a nice pair of socks or a scarf!

Is there anything you do on the Tube that doesn't follow the usual pattern of reading, snoozing, staring or sudoku?

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