Thursday, May 4, 2006

London Underground Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims on the Tube

Once again it's Friday's look at commuters who are slaves to fashion or have a particular fashion "style" that they took and made their own. To keep Anthony happy there's no comments on people's footwear this week. Whenever we have unexpected hot weather in London there are people who get caught out and are still in fairly spring/wintery clothes and others who totally embrace the sun and expose as much as they can. There were two lots of flesh on display in the following set.

Low Slung Twiggy Trousers

This woman on the Piccadilly line wasn't really too bad. However the low slungness of her cropped Twiggy Trousers mean that she was exposing a bit of flesh in the middle of the carriage

Twiggy Trousers Piccadilly Line

She's not remotely fat but you do have to be a bit careful with low slung trousers, however, when she sat next to me, I noticed the massive hole in her tights

There's a hole in my tights

I wonder how long before she noticed, or someone said to her - "Err you have a hole in your tights".

Err, you've got a little hole in your jeans

This man would have made no apologies for his holey clothes

There's a hole in my jeans

I really thought this massive holes in your jeans look, was on the way out. But perhaps they were just his summer jeans and his way of exposing a bit of flesh.

Pink and Black Tights

This woman would clearly have no problems working out which way to wear her tights

Black & pink tights

I really don't like those, mainly because it looks like she's leant against some pink railings.

Americana Trousers

However, the woman below looks as though she has leant against a giant comic book.

My Eyes My Eyes Trousers

There's really nothing nice I can say about this look. I'm sure the trousers cost her a bomb and they're by some designer, but that doesn't stop them from being vile. They reminded me a bit of the Pop Art Roy Lichtenstein shoes I saw last year, but at least they didn't take up so much of the woman's body. Teaming the trousers with the espadrille wedges with navy socks, may have seemed like a good idea. I can't really think of any type of shoes that would "go" with the trousers though. The mind boggles.

That's it for this week. The previous entry for London Underground fashion victims is here and all of them together can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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