Monday, May 22, 2006

Mind the Gap Doormat

Good for the Garden

If I hear one more person say "good for the garden" about the rubbish wet weather we are having, I will scream. Like most people who pay water bills, yesterday I received a letter from Thames Water saying that "a few wet days won't be enough to make a difference" to the "current drought". Have they looked out of the window in May - we have had more than "a few wet days". Anyway, I'm not getting started on this, as somebody with a degree in meteorology is bound to say "But they're right, we have got a drought and we've had less rain than Texas etc etc....."

Mind the Gap doormatI would, however like to thank Virginia Gal for letting me know about something that I will be buying as a result of the "few wet days". This fab "Mind the Gap doormat" from BBC America is ideal to sopping up the rain from my waterlogged All Stars or hopefully "puts a smile on your face while removing dirt and dust from your shoes." Better still "this attractive doormat springs back to shape despite constant use. Created exclusively for BBC America Shop in association with the London Transport Museum. Durable, resilient, unaffected by moisture or dampness." It'll need to be to cope with this wet weather.

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