Sunday, May 7, 2006

Seventies Horror Tube flick now out on DVD

The Death Line on DVD

I've mentioned the Seventies film about cannibals who terrorise the London Underground quite a few times in passing. In principle the film sounds like something I should have really enjoyed. A forgotten man-eating creature that can only growl "Mind the Doors" prowls the Tube, preying on hapless late night commuters. There's even a cameo performance by Christopher Lee. But I must admit to being fairly underwhelmed when I finally watched it with Neil last year.

Thanks to a link from Londonist you can have a look at the trailer, which hams up the horror like a good 'un with its "scenes so shocking, we can't show them in this trailer".

Perhaps if I had seen it before Creep (which I really liked), I might have enjoyed it more, but the fab premise just seems wasted and it ends up being a pretty lack lustre film. Admittedly you'll get some enjoyment out of seeing a 1970's Tube system and Londonist point out the "smoking on the tube, staff paid to press lift buttons etc". But for me, it didn't have that "so bad it's good" Seventies redeeming kitsch, with the acting and effects being average, rather than camp or over the top.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who's seen the whole film though.

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