Monday, May 15, 2006

Eurostar longest train wrap

Da Vinci Wrapping at WaterlooDa Vinci Code Express Wrapping at Waterloo

Speaking of Eurostar's Da Vinci Code tube ads yesterday, if you're travelling through Waterloo station this morning, look out for the Eurostar which is setting off at around 9.30am and taking all the stars of the film, Dan Brown and director Ron "Ritchie Cunningham" Howard to Cannes for the premiere.

A train (named The Da Vinci Code Express) will be covered with 8ft images of the Mona Lisa on each carriage making it the "longest train wrap" in history. According to The Times "The makeover is said to have cost about £500,000 and is part of the train company's attempt to increase tourism to locations featured in the plot, which largely takes place in Paris and London."

Apparently the train's journey to Cannes will also be another record, with the longest non-stop journey that the Eurostar has made. It would be nice if Tom Hanks sampled some of the other delights of travelling from Waterloo. He could stock up with some pasties from the Cornish Pasty shops at Waterloo, and break a "pasty eating on the Eurostar" record too.

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