Monday, May 1, 2006

Hickory Road Poirot Competition Results

And the winner is......

Loads of you entered the quiz to guess the name of the real tube station where the fictional "Hickory Road", from an episode of Poirot, was filmed. The vast majority of you chose Morden.......

and you were right!

I suppose if it's a station that you are familiar with, the green and white tiles were a bit of a giveaway.

To someone like me who never ventures very far south on the Northern Line (the less time I spend on the Misery Line the better), it wasn't so obvious and Neil visited Morden to take a picture of the lines which along with the tiles mean we can definitively say Morden

Morden in Poirot

compared to Neil's picture:

Morden today

Anyway 24 of you made the correct guess and Neil's paperclip selection went into play

Neil's paperclip selection

And the winner is Jamesthegill - so congratulations James, you win a book of 53 "Old Fashioned Luggage Labels" stickers.

There was also another prize to come up with the funniest caption for the picture below where you have to guess what Damian Lewis is saying to his girlfriend on the Tube. I very much liked Fimb's - Damian Lewis strokes the seat behind his lady love..

"Darling, this material is simply divine. Do you think they would notice if we took some to make into a pencil case?"

and Dmitri's "Hey, there is Annie's granny taking a picture of your shoes" guesses.

But in the end went for Michelle's "I saw the way you looked at that funny little Belgian, would it help if I grew a moustache?"

So Michelle wins the photo frame / fridge magnet in the style of one of the ticket booths around at the time.

Well done to everyone who entered and there's still some time to enter the London Underground Tie quiz. Have fun.

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