Thursday, May 18, 2006

London Underground Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims on the Tube

Once again Friday's look at people who might be considered slaves to fashion or have a particular fashion "style" that particularly caught my eye. this week people in London have been clearly caught out by the changeable and mainly rubbish weather we're having at the moment. So amongst a number of T-Shirts you'll see people wearing boots. Amongst sunglasses there are people wearing hooded jackets. However, the first two are people with slogan on their "clothes" which I found particularly puzzling.

Who is Pedro?

Who indeed? Who is this Pedro that we are being asked to vote for?

Who is Pedro

Hopefully he's not one of the new Big Brother contestants and this guy had inside knowledge.

Puzzling Bag

Is this woman giving a secret (or perhaps not so secret) signal to us all?

Puzzling bag

I think it said Tomorrow at the top, so the whole bag read "Tomorrow I'll come home late". The mind boggles.

Speaking of Mind Boggling Bags

Could this bag be anymore designer?

Designer Bag

Designer name, tick. Gold chain, tick. Pointless charms hanging off it, tick. Studded bucklely bits, tick. Where's Paris Hilton when you need her?

Oversized Designer Sunglasses inside

Ah, here's Paris Hilton, with her sunglasses on. It wasn't a remotely sunny day when I took this.

Designer Shades Inside

Take your sunglasses off, it must be quite difficult trying to read that magazine. You're inside a Tube carriage, on the Piccadilly Line, going through tunnels from here on in. There's no chance of sun's glare down here love!

Patchy Beanie

Sunglasses and now a woolly beany hat. No one knows what to wear.

Patchy Beanie

This guy was quite weird. Not only, had he sewn this strange large patch onto his beany/beanie, but he was also wearing a tie with a pullover. Now even though you can't see the tie from the picture, you can see he's not wearing a shirt. Most peculiar.

Skinny Legs

Oooh, if my legs were that skinny I don't think I would wear Ugg style boots that made me look as though I was wearing wellingtons

Skinny Legs

Not a good look.

Socks or no Socks

Again people are in a quandary with what to wear

Socks or No Socks

I actually quite like the lightweight red and white trainer thingies on the left, and they are certainly trainers you can wear sans socks.

But what is the woman wearing on the right? Hideous colour wedges, and to top them off, a pair of golfing style socks.

That's it for this week. The previous entry for London Underground fashion victims is here and all of them together can be seen on the following Flickr set.

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