Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tube Challenge Quiz Answers

And the winner is.......

Speaking of the Tube Challenge, here are the answers to the quiz:

1. Identify the people in this picture from last year's zone 1 challenge:

Anthony Smith, Adham Fisher, Erin Faulkner, Geoff Marshall and Neil Blake

2. Who won last year's Zone 1 challenge and what was the winning time?

Hakan Wolge & Patrick Sillen in two hours 56 minutes 51 seconds

3. What is the nationality of last year's zone 1 winner/s?


4. In which year did Guinness first publish a Tube Challenge World Record?


5. What's wrong with the image below?

What's wrong with this image

It's Neil in the picture although the caption says Geoff

6. How many people took part in last year's Charity "Tube Relief" Challenge in aid of the victims from the London Bombings?


7. Name one of the people who took part in Tube Relief. You must name a person that someone else has NOT already mentioned.

You can see the names of most of the people who entered here.

The people who answered most correctly were Fimb, Michelle, Munks and James Gommon and Neil did the paperclip selection & the winner of Tunnel Vision (kindly donated by Graham O'Mara) is...... Michelle.

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