Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tube Challenge Quiz

Win a copy of Tube Challenge novel Tunnel Vision

This Friday's quiz celebrates the Tube Challenge. To the uninitiated, Tube Challenges do not refer to the challenge you might have of finding a seat on the London Underground, or finding a Northern Line train that isn't delayed, or finding chocolate machine that works. It's about people who travel around all Tube stations on the network or in a particular zone in the fastest possible time. Next Friday 19th May, sees the third annual Zone 1 Tube Challenge, so the quiz has an appropriate theme. Here's the questions

1. Identify the people in this picture from last year's zone 1 challenge:

You are not allowed to answer this question if you are one of the people in it (But I will automatically give a point to the people in it, if they enter, just so they don't feel disadvantaged).

2. Who won last year's Zone 1 challenge and what was the winning time?

3. People travel from far and wide to take part in the Tube Challenges. What is the nationality of last year's zone 1 winner/s?

4. Tube Challenges where people attempt all stations on the London Underground in the fastest time, have been officially recognised by Guinness as a World Record for some time now. In which year did Guinness first publish a Tube Challenge World Record?

5. Neil & Geoff hold the current Guinness record with a time of 18 hours, 35 minutes, 43 seconds. What's wrong with the image below? Bonus points will be given for the original answers as well the accurate one!

What's wrong with this image

6. How many people took part in last year's Charity "Tube Relief" Challenge in aid of the victims from the London Bombings?

7. Name one of the people who took part in Tube Relief. You must name a person that someone else has NOT already mentioned. (This slightly limits the number of people who will score a point here, but quite a few people took part!).

Usual rules for the quiz. To enter, leave your answers in the comments below, along with either your email address and/or website/blog so that I can get in touch with you. Please make one entry only and leave all your answers in one comment. You have until Sunday 21st May 23.59 GMT to enter. The people scoring the most points, will go into Neil's paperclip selection and the winner will get a copy of Keith Lowe's Tunnel Vision kindly donated by Graham O'Mara.

Have fun and good luck to all of next week's challengers.

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